Liberal Democrats recognise and action Sustainability and Biodiversity Emergencies

During the full council meeting on the evening of 18 October, St Albans City and District Council passed a Liberal Democrat motion on the recognition of the Sustainability and Biodiversity Emergency. The vote was almost unanimous apart from two Conservative Councillors who abstained from voting.
The Motion will see the Council recognise the Sustainability and Biodiversity Emergency alongside the climate emergency.
The Motion will also see the Council ask councillors and planning officers to ensure the delivery of biodiversity and environmental enhancements through planning policy, to consider control functions, to support and monitor biodiversity net gain commitments, and to consider a biodiversity net gain policy.
As part of the Motion, the Council has committed to identifying areas of further verge/open area recovery and tree planting. The Council has also committed to delivering a new and integrated Tree and Verge strategy and requiring all relevant council contractors to undergo training to demonstrate and embed a regard for biodiversity.
Liberal Democrat Councillor Keith Cotton, who drafted the motion with Liberal Democrat Councillor Raj Visram, said: "I was delighted to see such overwhelming support at the Full Council meeting on 18 October.
"The intention of this motion was to unify concurrent actions and ambitions, and to give a clear message of understanding to officers, councillors, residents, and external funders that we are in this space collaboratively."