Welcome to the Cunningham ward page. The Cunningham ward includes The Camp, London Road and the area to south of St Albans.

Roly Everall (District Councillor)
Phone: 07932 591158
Roly Everall has lived in the Cunningham ward since 2006. During this time he has been a volunteer organiser of sporting activities for people of all ages, and volunteers at a local wildlife conservation area. As a passionate cyclist and walker, he wants to be an effective voice on the council to promote healthy lifestyles throughout St Albans. Roly believes that the strong tradition of local volunteering is very valuable and he wants to shape local policies to support and enhance the effectiveness of these local voluntary efforts.

Rob Donald (District Councillor)
Phone: 01727 841647
District councillor Robert Donald was first elected in 1980 and has impressed many with his strong community values and determination to get things done for our area. Robert’s priorities for the district council going forward include delivering more homes that local people can actually afford while protecting the Green Belt. He says: “There’s so much more I want to achieve for our community. I feel like the job is only half complete.”

Keith Cotton (District Councillor)
Telephone: 07973 814275
Keith has lived in St Albans for nearly 30 years and in Cunningham since 2004. He brings with him a wealth of experience within the community and in business, primarily as a troubleshooting problem solver around environmental and public health issues. His passion though is for wildlife and espousing protecting the wider environment. And he is delighted to be Santa each year in the Earthworks grotto!
Keith has been a trustee at the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust since 2014, previously serving as a non-executive director at Riversmead Housing Association between 2008 and 2014.

Anthony Rowlands (County Councillor)
Phone: 07761 232064
Anthony Rowlands is the current County Councillor for St Albans East. He's had more than 30 years' experience of being a councillor.
He's regularly in touch with the local residents, listens to their concerns and then takes the right actions at the right times to fix problems. He's particularly keen on campaigning to stop over development, as well as providing enhancements and improvements to green spaces. Anthomy believes councillors should be effective, visible and approachable.
A native of the Isle of Wight, he has lived in the City since 1980. His late wife, Harriet, taught at Beaumont School and both their children attended local schools. Apart from being an avid runner – he has completed the St Albans Half Marathon 36 times – he is a devoted supporter of Burnley FC and St Albans City FC.