Liberal Democrat led District Council agree the framework and timeline of new Tree Strategy

During a Planning Policy and Climate Committee meeting on the 14 November, the Liberal Democrat led District Council agreed to the framework and timeline of the revised Tree Strategy. This Tree Strategy will see the Council manage new threats to trees, manage Tree Preservation Orders, Conservation Areas, and the impact new developments have on trees.
The Tree Strategy also recognises Trees as a key tool to enhancing biodiversity, tackling the climate emergency, and improving the quality of life for those living and working in the area.
District Councillor Raj Visram who led the decision, said ‘This is incredibly important both to the Council and to the Liberal Democrats. Trees are a huge part of ensuring the quality of life of residents, enhancing biodiversity, and tackling the climate emergency. We all have a role to play in nurturing our trees and managing them well.
‘’Ensuring that the Council have an up-to-date strategy that caters to the needs of both our district and climate is imperative to the wellbeing of people across St Albans. I am so pleased that our Council have agreed on this new Tree Strategy.’’
This new Tree Strategy will see:
- The current tree stock managed safely whilst maximising the benefits to the environment.
- The Council ensure it works with developers to ensure trees are not adversely affected by new developments - trees are retained, and new trees are planted.
- The Council ensure it works with developers to ensure trees are not adversely affected by new developments - trees are retained, and new trees are planted.