Lib Dem councillors help make Harpenden Station safer for pedestrians and cyclists

Following input from Harpenden Lib Dem councillors, the proposed changes to Harpenden Station’s Western approach will make the area safer for cyclists and pedestrians – but they still want to see action to make the area a 20mph zone.
Herts County Council is leading on the project which is aimed at improving the local environment at the entrance and into Harding Parade and lower Station Road.
However, despite redesign to prioritise active travel. The county council hasn’t committed to a 20mph speed limit for the area.
Paul de Kort, who has provided input via his roles on the town, district and county councils, said: “It’s positive that there will be investment in this side of the station and its approaches because it upgrades a jaded part of the town and crucially has been designed to put active travel and public transport access first.
“I am pleased that local councillors have been able to ensure that Herts County Council listened to the need to integrate this plan with our long-awaited LCWIP (local cycling and walking infrastructure plan) as it is essential that pedestrians and cyclists can get to the station safely and speedily.
“However, we think that the county council has missed a big opportunity to make this area a 20mph zone at the same time, as this would have provided much greater encouragement to cyclists to use the new facilities and entrance.”
A public consultation on these improvements to Harpenden Station is expected to occur before the end of the year.